The online newsletter by Steve Scott featuring news, technical information and commentary on Shingitai Jujitsu, Freestyle Judo,Sambo and the grappling sports.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Welcome Mat Online Newsletter Is Now A Blog
Okay, I'm slowly joining the 21st Century. After some prompting from several of the Welcome Mat guys, most recently Sahannon Ford (who was really helpful), we'll do a blog. Actually, I like doing a blog, as I can post photos as well as ramble on about the various subjects that come up. Don't expect too much out of this yet, at least until I figure out how to do a blog with some degree of skill. Also, after talking to AnnMaria Demars and Gerry Lafon (who do really good blogs), it made sense to go this route instead of sending out the e-mail newsletter. we go.