Saturday, September 11, 2010

So Much for This Issue

I know...I's obvious that this is my first shot at doing a blog. By the way, "blog" is a really odd word. Makes me think of some kind of strong Irish alcohlic beverage. I'll have this thing out about every month or so, at least that's the intention. My apoliogies for not putting out a newsletter since March, 2010, but I was on hiatus. that's simply another way of saying I was too lazy to sit here at the computer and pound out another newlsetter. In reality, that's true, but John Saylor and I were working to finish the manuscript for Turtle Publishing on our latest book. Also, there's antoher book in the near future and this one will be on the subject of judo. Look for that book in the next few months.
By the way, I couldn't figure out how to include the quote for the issue earlier, so here goes; "You don't rise to the occassion, you rise to your level of training." There have been several apeople who said this, and it makes a lot of sense to me.
Until next time, keep training and stay healthy.